Zero Value Transaction
In this section you will learn how to process an Account Verification transaction
Zero Value Transaction Overview
A Zero Value Transaction enables a merchant to request a Tokenised Card Number without presenting the transaction for authorisation.

How to process a Zero Value Transaction message
The merchant's system sends an IccTransactionRequest message to ANYpay POS which sends a Zero Value Transaction message to the ANYpay Gateway and in turn returns a Tokenised Card Number.
Key elements of a Zero Value IccTransactionRequest message
AuthorizationConnectionType MUST be set to [OfflineAuthorization]
TransactionType MUST be set to [Sale]
TransactionAmount MUST be set to [0.00] Minor units is based on the merchants currency
Section IccTransactionRequest Element describes the elements required to build an IccTransactionRequest message.
An example of a Zero Value IccTransactionRequest message can be seen below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<IccTransactionRequest xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
<TransactionAmount currency="GBP">0.00</TransactionAmount>
Handling an IccTransactionResponse message
Section IccTransactionResponse Element describes the elements that are returned in an IccTransactionResponse message for a Zero Value IccTransactionRequest.
An example of an IccTransactionResponse message for a Zero Value IccTransactionRequest can be seen below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<IccTransactionResponse xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
<ResponseMessage>Transaction Approved</ResponseMessage>
<ReceiptInfo xsi:type="IccReceiptInfo">
<ExpiryDate year="49" month="12" />
<StartDate year="96" month="12" />
<TransactionAmount currency="GBP">0.00</TransactionAmount>
<CardScheme code="MSC" creditDebitIndicator="CREDIT">Mastercard</CardScheme>
<Dcc xsi:nil="true" />
<CardHolderName>RDIR 03</CardHolderName>
<BalanceOnCard xsi:nil="true" />
<AuthorizedTransactionAmount currency="GBP">15.00</AuthorizedTransactionAmount>
Updated over 6 years ago