Terminate Stand-alone Pin Entry Device

Terminate Stand-alone Pin Entry Device Overview

A Terminate Stand-alone Pin Entry Device request message terminates usage of a Stand-alone Pin Entry Device.


Once this operation is successfully invoked the Stand-alone Pin Entry Device will no longer be in a usable state.


Only one Stand-alone Pin Entry Device can be terminated when calling the Terminate Stand-alone Pin Entry operation. This is to ensure large numbers of Stand-alone Pin Entry Devices are not accidentally terminated.


How to process a Terminate Stand-alone Pin Entry Device request message

A merchant POSTs a JSON Terminate Stand-alone Pin Entry Device request message to instruct termination of a Stand-alone Pin Entry Device. Section Terminate Stand-alone Pin Entry Device describes the elements required to send a DisableStand-alone Pin Entry Device request message.

Example of a Terminate Stand-alone Pin Entry Device can be seen below.

  "customerDetails": {
    "customerId": "CUS",
  "storeDetails": { 
    "storeId": "CUS000000001",
  "standalonePinEntryDetails": {
    "merchantId": "11111111", 
    "terminalId": "11111111"

Handling a Terminate Stand-alone Pin entry Device response message

Examples of a Terminal Stand-alone Pin entry Device response message can be seen below.

An empty body will be returned
    "code": "XXXXXX",
    "details": {
        "message": "Stand-alone Pin Entry Device for merchant id 11111111 and terminal id 11111111 failed to terminate"