Reversal Transaction
In this section you will learn how to process a reversal transaction
Reversal Overview
The purpose of a reversal transaction is to cancel a transaction during or after processing but before settlement.

Key points when cancelling a transaction
A reversal in a Hospitality environment reverses the entire transaction and NOT the amount specified in the request.
Partial Reversals are currently NOT supported by Elavon or PXP Financial Acquiring.
Any over authorised funds will be dealt with by the acquirer and card scheme by PXP sending the Scheme Reference Data
How to process a Reversal transaction request message
The merchant's system Posts a JSON Reversal transaction message to the ANYpay Gateway. Section Card Transactions describes the elements required to build a Reversal transaction request message.
An example of a Reversal transaction request message can be seen below.
"MerchantId": "BDD",
"StoreId": "BDD500000005",
"userId": "BDDTest",
"originalTransactionId": "8a9be7db-bf5e-495c-b56f-148b84fe5d10"
"MerchantId": "BDD",
"StoreId": "BDD500000005",
"userId": "BDDTest",
"originalTransactionId": "8a9be7db-bf5e-495c-b56f-148b84fe5d10"
Handling a Reversal transaction response message
An example of a Reversal transaction response message can be seen below.
"id": "7890ff90-e277-4ead-a7d8-6929a3f83286",
"state": "Authorised",
"providerStateCode": "000",
"providerStateMessage": null,
"currencyCode": "USD",
"accountDetails": {
"cardNumber": "444433******1111",
"tokenizedCardNumber": "9997000000005071111",
"isVisaCheckout": null
"details": {
"providerMerchantId": "542929008043127",
"providerTerminalId": "00630376"
"stateDetails": {
"approvalCode": "06268A"
"cardSecurityResponseCode": null,
"addressVerificationResponseCode": null
"code": "4017740",
"details": {
"message": "Invalid username or password"
Updated over 4 years ago