Configuration files
Before reference to ANYpay POS ADK library, it is essential to setup those 2 configuration files
1. Transaction configuration: Setup credential details of each workstation
2. PED Endpoint configuration: Setup the address of the PED that workstation want to conect to
Transaction Configuration
This file is formatted as a JSON with the sample below, normally you just need to put this file into the same folder of the ADK dll file. Section Transaction Config Complex Types describes the elements required to prepare this file.
An example of a Transaction Configuration file can be seen below.
"Culture": "en",
"CustomerCode": "ABF",
"IpAddress": "",
"Merchant": "2100112262",
"Password": "Testing",
"Site": "PXP000000001",
"Username": "PXPUser",
"WorkStation": "001"
PED Endpoint configuration
This file is formatted as a JSON with the sample below, normally you just need to put this file into the same folder of the ADK dll file. Section PED Endpoint AddressComplex Types describes the elements required to prepare this file.
An example of a PED Endpoint Configuration file can be seen below.
"Workstations": [
"WorkStationNumber": "002",
"PedEndpointAddress": {
"EndpointAddressType": "Tcp",
"TcpEndpointAddress": {
"HostName": "",
"Port": "16107"
"WorkStationNumber": "001",
"PedEndpointAddress": {
"EndpointAddressType": "Serial",
"SerialEndpointAddress": {
"ComPort": "COM9",
"BaudRate": "115200",
"SerialPortParity": "None",
"DataBits": "8",
"SerialPortStopBits": "One",
"SerialPortHandshake": "None"
Updated 5 months ago