
Name Description
sale This requests authorization of the transaction amount and, if successful, immediately capture the amount
preAuthorization This requests authorization of the transaction, if successful, temporarily reserve an amount of a cardholder's account balance
topUp This requests to topup a PreAuthorization transaction
capture This requests to capture a PreAuthorization transaction
refund This requests to credit the cardholder's account with the transaction amount
reversalSale This requests to cancel a Sale transaction
reversalRefund This requests to cancel a Refund transaction
reversalPreAuthorization This requests to cancel a PreAuthorization transaction
ecom.sale This requests authorization of an ecom transaction amount and, if successful, immediately capture the amount
ecom.preAuthorization This requests authorization of an ecom transaction, if successful, temporarily reserve an amount of a cardholder's account balance
ecom.topUp This requests to topup a PreAuthorization for an ecom transaction
ecom.capture This requests to capture a PreAuthorization for an ecom transaction
ecom.refund This requests to credit the cardholder's account with the transaction amount for an ecom transaction
ecom.accountVerification This requests to authorize an Account Verification for a ecom transaction
ecom.originalCredit This requests to credit the cardholder's account with the transaction amount for an ecom transaction, where no previous sale has taken place. Applicable for Vantiv (US) only.
ecom.extendAuth This requests to extend the authorization time of an already authorized transaction. If the standard authorization time is 28 days, and this request is recieved on day 10, then the validity period of the authorisation will reset another 28 days from the date its recieved, meaning 38 days in total. Applicable for Klarna only.
mailorder.sale This requests authorization of a mailorder transaction amount and, if successful, immediately capture the amount.
A mailorder transaction is a payment card transaction made where the cardholder does not or cannot physically present the card for a merchant's visual examination at the time that an order is given and payment effected
mailorder.preAuthorization This requests authorization of a mailorder transaction, if successful, temporarily reserve an amount of a cardholder's account balance
mailorder.topUp This requests to topup a PreAuthorization for a mailorder transaction
mailorder.capture This requests to capture a PreAuthorization for a mailorder transaction
mailorder.refund This requests to credit the cardholder's account with the transaction amount for an mailorder transaction
mailorder.accountVerification This requests to authorize an Account Verification for a mailorder transaction