Released on 25 /02/2025
Auto updated by DevOps Application on date 24/02/2025 17:03:37
List of Current Fault Response Codes:
Fault Response Code | Description |
0 | NoFault |
1000040 | UnknownError |
1000140 | TransactionAmountMustBeGreaterThanZero |
1000240 | UnsupportedTransactionType |
1000340 | DeviceCreation |
1000440 | UnsupportedAuthorizationConnectionType |
1000540 | InvalidTokenisedCardNumber |
1000930 | CardNotAcceptedByMerchant |
1001320 | UnsupportedCard |
1001420 | UnsupportedCardScheme |
1001520 | UnsupportedExternalRequest |
1001620 | ReferralTransactionsNotSupported |
1001710 | InvalidExpiryDate |
1001910 | TransactionCancelled |
1002040 | PaymentSystemError |
1002430 | EMVDeviceError |
1002610 | IncorrectPin |
1002810 | CardExpired |
1002960 | CheckNumberNotReceivedOrEmpty |
1003060 | PatFunctionalityDisabled |
1003160 | GatewayTimeout |
1003260 | PartialReversalZeroAmount |
1003360 | PedOnlyForBalanceInquiryAndActivation |
1003410 | ApmValidationError |
1012850 | P2PEDecryptionFailure |
1020160 | P2peIsDisabledOnWorkstation |
1020260 | WorkstationIsNotSupportedForSite |
1020360 | InvalidOnlinePinPedState |
1020460 | InvalidP2pePedState |
1020560 | InvalidCredentials |
1020760 | InvalidRequest |
1020860 | ErrorRetrievingTmsManifest |
1020960 | TmsDisabled |
1021060 | ThisWorkstationDoesNotSupportKeyedTransaction |
1050360 | ErrorRetrievingPedInfo |
1050460 | ErrorUpdatingPed |
1050560 | ErrorForcingPedUpdate |
1050660 | InvalidMerchant |
2000160 | GeneralError |
2000260 | UnrecognizedErrorInsidePed |
2000320 | PowerCouldNotBeAppliedToTheCard |
2000420 | CardIsDrawingTooMuchCurrent |
2000560 | CardReaderNotResponding |
2000660 | InvalidOverallCommandLength |
2000760 | InvalidTransmittedDataLength |
2000860 | InvalidInstruction |
2000960 | InstructionNotSupportedByThisReader |
2001060 | InvalidParameters |
2001160 | TransmittedDataLengthDoesNotMatchLc |
2001260 | InvalidTransmittedData |
2001360 | LastTransmittedByteIsNot00 |
2001460 | CommandNotValidAtThisPoint |
2001560 | TimeoutHasExpired |
2001660 | CommandCancelledUponReceiptOfACancelWait |
2001760 | CardReaderGeneralError |
2001860 | CardReaderCommunicationsError |
2001960 | CardReaderRejectedCommand |
2002020 | CardNotPresentOrNotFullyInserted |
2002120 | CardNotPoweredUp |
2002260 | CardInterfaceGeneralError |
2002320 | FleetCardPinVerificationFailed |
2002420 | FleetCardEncryptionKeyNotAvailable |
2002560 | TdesDukptKeyNotFound |
2002660 | TdesDukptPinEncryptionMacCalculationFailed |
2002760 | TdesDukptKeyInjectionFailed |
2002860 | TdesDukptPinChangeFailedToCompleteSuccessfully |
2002960 | SecureAreaAlreadyExists |
2003010 | CommandAbortedByCardholderPressingTheCancelKey |
2003160 | TimedOutWaitingForSsaHandleToBecomeAvailable |
2003260 | UnableToObtainSsaHandle |
2003360 | TimedOutWaitingForPeripheralHandle |
2003460 | UnableToObtainPeripheralHandle |
2003560 | BatteryTooLow |
2003660 | CommandNotRegistered |
2003720 | PinTryLimitAlreadyExceededA |
2003820 | PinTryLimitAlreadyExceededB |
2003920 | PinVerificationFailed |
2004060 | BackgroundMagneticCardReadingIsInTheWrongStateForTheCommandThatWasIssued |
2004160 | NoBackgroundMagneticCardDataAvailable |
2004260 | MandatoryEmvTlvDataMissing |
2004360 | StorageFull |
2004420 | NonEmvCardOrCardError |
2004560 | NoMutuallySupportedAids |
2004620 | AidNotInListOfMutuallySupportedAids |
2004760 | DolNotConfigured |
2004860 | RsaKeyNotFound |
2004960 | NoRsaKeysAvailable |
2005060 | DuplicateRsaKey |
2005160 | DuplicateAid |
2005260 | ApplicationBlocked |
2005320 | CardBlocked |
2005360 | ApplicationNotSelected |
2005460 | ContactlessTransactionHasFailedButMayBeAttemptedOverAContactInterface |
2005560 | IccHasBeenInsertedButInsertionWasDisabled |
2005660 | ContactlessNotPermitted |
2005760 | ContactlessApplicationError |
2005860 | CvmRequestExternalDeviceControlsProccessingReset |
2005960 | ErrorsExistInTheRiskParameterRecordsSubmittedUsingTagDf6B |
2006060 | ContactlessTransactionFailedUsingContactIccPinpadIccProcessingIsNotEnabled |
2006160 | FailedToOpenFileA |
2006260 | FailedToReadFile |
2006360 | FailedToWriteFile |
2006460 | FileCorrupted |
2006560 | FailedToDeleteFile |
2006660 | FailedToCloseFile |
2006760 | BlockOutOfSequence |
2006860 | FileOutOfSequence |
2006960 | NoDataDownloaded |
2007060 | DownloadIncomplete |
2007160 | InvalidLogFileBlockIndex |
2007240 | P2PEInternalError |
2007340 | P2PEEncryptedDataNotFound |
2007440 | P2PEEncryptError |
2007540 | P2PEWhiteListMissing |
2007640 | P2PEWhiteListFormatError |
2007740 | P2PEWhiteListSignatureError |
2007840 | P2PEKeyNotFound |
2007940 | P2PEServerAuthError |
2008010 | CmdAbortedByCorrectKey |
2008160 | PreviousDownloadStarted |
2008260 | DownloadNotStarted |
2008360 | FailedLoadingPackage |
2008460 | InvalidFileName |
2008560 | ResponseHasMorePackets |
2008660 | CommFailure |
2008760 | BadKey |
2008860 | UseChipReader |
2008960 | UseMagStripe |
2009020 | CardNotSupported |
2009120 | BadCard |
2009260 | DoAbsent |
2009360 | DoRepeat |
2009460 | TlvcollectionFull |
2009560 | Tlvformat |
2009660 | InvalidPdol |
2009760 | InvalidCdol |
2009860 | InvalidTdol |
2009960 | InvalidDdol |
2010060 | InvalidSdol |
2010160 | AidListFull |
2010220 | PseNotFound |
2010320 | IccDataMissing |
2010460 | CandidatelistEmpty |
2010560 | ApduFormat |
2010620 | BadTrack2 |
2010760 | HashFailed |
2010860 | CertificateExpired |
2010960 | DiffAvnErr |
2011060 | ServiceNotAllowed |
2011120 | AppNotyetEffective |
2011220 | AppExpired |
2011230 | CardOrApplicationExpired |
2011240 | CardDataInvalid |
2011340 | CountryConfigurationNotFound |
2011360 | LowerLmtExceed |
2011460 | UpperLmtExceed |
2011560 | CvmFailed |
2011660 | UnrecognizedCvm |
2011760 | BadHashalgo |
2011860 | BadIpkalgo |
2011960 | TagNotfound |
2012060 | TagAlreadyPresent |
2012160 | InvalidOffset |
2012260 | BadCommand |
2012360 | ReadRecordFailed |
2012460 | ExplicitSelecReqd |
2012560 | CondNotSatisfied |
2012660 | CsnFailure |
2012760 | BadSlot |
2012860 | NoMem |
2012960 | NoKeys |
2013020 | CardInserted |
2013030 | CardRemoved |
2013120 | OfflineDeclined |
2013130 | CTLSFraudulentCardDetected |
2013160 | CapkError |
2013260 | PinConfigErr |
2013360 | EstTabErr |
2013460 | MvtTabErr |
2013560 | ScriptError |
2013660 | LogError |
2013760 | CombinedDdaAcGenReqd |
2013860 | CombinedDdaAcGenFailed |
2013960 | InvalidResponse |
2014060 | InvalidTransactionAmount |
2014160 | BadSignatureFormat |
2014260 | SignaturePackagesMissing |
2014360 | SignatureIsEmpty |
2014460 | CtlsTranAmountLimitWasExceeded |
2014560 | PinKeyMissing |
2014660 | PinNotEntered |
2014760 | AutoAidSelectionError |
2020160 | AuthorizationResponseTimeOut |
2020260 | AuthorizationRequestFailed |
2020360 | AuthorizationConfirmationResponseFailed |
2020460 | IngenicoTransactionPreparationFailed |
2020560 | IngenicoBase64ConversionFailed |
2040060 | UnrecognizedPedError |
2040160 | TypeErrorInConnectionObjects |
2040260 | UnknownProviderDialect |
2040360 | UnknownHandler |
2040460 | WorkflowEmpty |
2040560 | HandlerInstWithParamConstructorFailed |
2040660 | HandlerInstFailed |
2040760 | HandlerBasicParamsInstFailed |
2040860 | NotContinueTransactionTransactionCapabilitiesNull |
2040960 | NotContinueTransactionBinNotSupported |
2041060 | NotProcessNullTransaction |
2041160 | TransactionPreviousStatusNotAllowedInAuthorize |
2041260 | NotProcessTransactionChannelsBusy |
2041360 | NotProcessTransactionPreviouslyStarted |
2041460 | NotContinueTransactionNotStarted |
2041560 | NotAuthorizeTransactionNotContinued |
2041660 | NotCompleteTransactionNotAuthorized |
2041760 | NotFinalizeTransactionNotStarted |
2041860 | ProviderFatalExecutionError |
2041960 | ImpossibleFreeingLastTransactionReference |
2042060 | ErrorClosingPedPort |
2042160 | WorkflowDialectNotFound |
2042260 | HandlerExecutionError |
2042360 | FilterExecutionError |
2050160 | ErrorEmptySftpPath |
2050260 | ErrorEmptySftpUsername |
2050360 | ErrorEmptySftpPassword |
2050460 | ErrorEmptyLocalPath |
2050560 | DownloadingPackagesException |
2050660 | InitPackageNotFound |
2050760 | UpdatePedInfoException |
2050860 | GetVersionFromPedException |
2050960 | ReadPedInfoError |
2051060 | DecompressingZipError |
2051160 | ProviderExecutionException |
2051260 | ErrorEmptyInitialisationPath |
2051360 | ErrorEmptyEndpointAdress |
2051460 | ErrorWrongCommsConfig |
2051560 | NotFoundBatchFile |
2051660 | NotFoundCommsFile |
2051760 | NotFoundDownListFile |
2051860 | MovingFileError |
2051960 | BatchExecutionError |
2052060 | IniExecutionException |
2052160 | VersionsInfoUnavailable |
2052260 | PedAlreadyUpdated |
2060160 | PedNotConnected |
2060260 | CtlsGlobalConfParserError |
2060360 | CaptureMethodIsNotAllowed |
2060460 | GetHandlerErrorFailed |
2060560 | ContactConfParseError |
2060660 | InvalidAmount |
2060760 | FatalErrorOccured |
2060860 | LanguageNotSelected |
2070160 | HandlerWaitTimeout |
2070260 | PedOkResponseWithBadData |
2070360 | ConnectionNotEstablishedWithPED |
2070460 | ErrorOpeningFile |
2070560 | OnlinePinNoTries |
2070660 | GeneralFileParseError |
2070760 | PublicKeysParserError |
2070860 | PublicKeysParserNoKeysFound |
2070960 | AidsParserError |
2071060 | AidsParserNoAidsFound |
2071160 | DolsParserError |
2071260 | DolsParserNoDolsFound |
2071360 | PaymentDataParserError |
2071460 | PaymentDataParserNoDataFound |
2071560 | CtlsEmv2ConfParserError |
2071660 | CtlsEmv2ConfParserNoConfFound |
2071760 | CvmResultNotPresent |
2071860 | CvmListNotPresent |
2071960 | CvmProcessingFailed |
2072060 | NotImplementedCode |
2072160 | SwipeInterfaceNotEnabled |
2072260 | KeyedInterfaceNotEnabled |
2072360 | ResponsePacketIdNotSupported |
2072460 | ParserUnknownErrorType |
2072560 | CrossResponseError |
2072660 | ResponseFormatNotValid |
2072760 | VariableSettingError |
2072860 | CommandNotSupported |
2072960 | ResponseBadErrorCode |
2073060 | ResponseDataNullOrWrongLen |
2073160 | ResponsePacketIdNotRecognised |
2073260 | DeviceTypeIncorrect |
2073360 | PEDFunctionalitiesNotSupported |
2080160 | WriteToPEDError |
2080260 | ReceiveFromPEDError |
2080360 | PEDNotReadyToSend |
2080460 | ReceiveRetriesSpent |
2080560 | LinkRetriesFailed |
2080660 | ReceiveAfterSendNackFailed |
2080760 | LinkResponseOutOfPlace |
2080860 | CSErrorSTXExpected |
2080960 | CSErrorMinLenNotReached |
2081060 | CSErrorETXExpected |
2081160 | CSErrorWrongLRC |
2081260 | CSErrorWrongHeadOrTail |
2081360 | LinkNotReceived |
2081460 | NoResponseFromPed |
2081560 | TcpDataLenExpectedError |
2081660 | CmdExecutionCancelledByPOS |
2081760 | OpenConnectionRetryFailed |
2081860 | PedDisconnectedWhileReading |
2081960 | ConnectTimeoutQueryDevice |
2082060 | ConnectTimeoutStartTransaction |
2082160 | ConnectTimeoutContinueTransaction |
2082260 | ConnectTimeoutAuthorizeTransaction |
2082360 | ConnectTimeoutCompleteTransaction |
2082460 | ConnectTimeoutFinalizeTransaction |
2090160 | P2PEStatusNotAppropriate |
2090260 | EncryptionTypeError |
2090360 | EncryptionFailed |
2090560 | MSREncryptionError |
2095160 | ContactlessFallForward |
2095260 | AutoDebitWasCancelled |
2095360 | PedIsProcessingPayment |
2095460 | PedIsBeingUpdate |
2095560 | SoftDeclinedTapCardAgain |
2095660 | ScaCheckedDeclined |
2095760 | IccFallbackInAuthorization |
4000150 | GeneralAuthorizationError |
4000250 | GeneralAuthorizationInvalidResult |
4000340 | GeneralValidationError |
4000440 | GeneralUnhandledError |
4000540 | GeneralSecurityError |
4000640 | GeneralExecutionError |
4000740 | GeneralBuildError |
4000850 | GeneralCommunicationError |
4000940 | GeneralPostCommunicationError |
4000950 | InvalidBitMapTypeReceivedInResponse |
4001040 | GeneralAuthorizationPipelineError |
4001050 | A comms error has occurred, please try again. |
4001140 | V5UserBlockSiteNotLoaded |
4001150 | NoDataReturned |
4001240 | DccNotSupportedForCardScheme |
4001250 | InvalidResponseReturned |
4001340 | AuthorizationConnectionTypeValidationBlockRequestNotLoaded |
4001440 | AuthorizationConnectionTypeValidationBlockAuthorityMethodNotNeeded |
4001530 | AuthorizationConnectionTypeValidationBlockAuthorityCodeNotNeeded |
4001630 | AuthorizationConnectionTypeValidationBlockAuthorityMethodNeeded |
4001830 | AuthorizationConnectionTypeValidationBlockOfflineAndOfflineAuthWithAuthCodeInvalidTransactionType |
4001940 | SessionKeySecurityBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4002040 | SessionKeySecurityBlockSessionNotValid |
4002140 | Error getting card scheme details for currency {0} and MerchantNumber {1} |
4002150 | SessionKeySecurityBlockUnhandledException |
4002240 | UserSecurityBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4002340 | UserSecurityBlockUserMessageNotLoaded |
4002430 | UserSecurityBlockNoPermissiontoUseAuthorizationInterface |
4002440 | GetCardSchemeBlockNotLoaded |
4002540 | UserSecurityBlockUnhandledException |
4002640 | GetCurrencyBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4002730 | GetCurrencyBlockUnsupportedCurrencyCode |
4002740 | GetCurrencyBlockUnsupportedCurrencyCode |
4002840 | GetCurrencyBlockUnhandledException |
4002940 | GetCardSchemeFormatBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4003030 | GetCardSchemeFormatBlockNoTrackData |
4003120 | GetCardSchemeFormatBlockTrack2NotValid |
4003240 | GetCardSchemeFormatBlockUnhandledException |
4003340 | ValidateCardDetailsBlockCardSchemeFormatNotLoaded |
4003420 | GetCardDetailsBlockTrack2NotValid |
4003540 | GetCardDetailsBlockUnhandledException |
4003640 | LuhnCheckBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4003740 | LuhnCheckBlockCardSchemeFormatMessageNotLoaded |
4003840 | LuhnCheckBlockCardSchemeFormatCardSchemeMessageNotLoaded |
4003940 | LuhnCheckBlockCardDetailsMessageNotLoaded |
4004020 | LuhnCheckBlockCardDidNotPassLuhnCheck |
4004140 | LuhnCheckBlockUnhandledException |
4004240 | Transaction request not loaded for transaction type |
4004340 | Authorization card scheme format message not loaded for transaction type |
4004440 | Authorization card scheme format card scheme message not loaded for transaction type |
4004530 | Sale not allowed for user |
4004630 | Refund not allowed for user |
4004730 | Refund not allowed for card scheme '{0}' |
4004830 | Pre authorization not allowed for user |
4004859 | Card number hash failed to generate, tokenised card number cant be saved/found |
4004930 | Pre authorisation not allowed for card scheme '{0}' |
4005040 | TransactionTypeValidationBlockUnhadledException |
4005140 | CardDetailValidationBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4005240 | CardDetailValidationBlockCardSchemeFormatMessageNotLoaded |
4005340 | CardDetailValidationBlockCardSchemeFormatCardSchemeMessageNotLoaded |
4005420 | CardDetailValidationBlockExpiryDateNotValid |
4005440 | OverrideReversalResponseBlockException |
4005520 | CardDetailValidationBlockCardPastExpiryDate |
4005620 | CardDetailValidationBlockInvalidServiceCode |
4005720 | CardDetailValidationBlockFirstDigitServCodeInvalid |
4005820 | CardDetailValidationBlockSecondDigitServCodeInvalid |
4005920 | CardDetailValidationBlockThirdDigitServCodeInvalid |
4006020 | General Authorization Exception |
4006040 | CardDetailValidationBlockUnhandledException |
4006120 | RetailerIdLeaf Retailer Is Null Or Empty |
4006140 | PopulateCustomerDataBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4006220 | RetailerIdLeaf Retailer Number Is Null Or Empty |
4006240 | PopulateCustomerDataBlockCardSchemeFormatMessageNotLoaded |
4006320 | Card Number Leaf Card Details IsNullOrEmpty AuthorizationException |
4006340 | PopulateCustomerDataBlockCardSchemeFormatCardSchemeMessageNotLoaded |
4006420 | CardNumberLeafCardNumberIsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4006440 | PopulateCustomerDataBlockFailedToLoadCustomerData |
4006520 | LocalCurrencyLeafCurrencyIsNull |
4006540 | PopulateCustomerDataBlockUnhandledException |
4006620 | LocalCurrencyLeafCurrencyNumberIsNull |
4006640 | PopulateCustomerDataBlockInvalidCountryCode |
4006720 | MerchantLeafMerchantIsNullAuthorizationException |
4006740 | CeilingLimitValidationBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4006820 | MerchantLeafMerchantNoIsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4006840 | CeilingLimitValidationBlockMerchantMessageNotLoaded |
4006920 | RetailerIdLeafRetailerIsNullAuthorizationException |
4006930 | CeilingLimitValidationBlockAmountMoreThanLimit |
4007020 | Track2DataEqualsSeperatorNoSentinelLeafCardDetailsIsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4007040 | CeilingLimitValidationBlockUnhandledException |
4007120 | Track2DataEqualsSeperatorNoSentinelsLeafTrack2IsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4007140 | CaptureMethodBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4007220 | TransactionAmountLeafRequestIsNull |
4007240 | Transaction request not loaded for capture method |
4007320 | WorkstationNumberRightJustifiedZeroFilled4CharactersLeafWorkstationIsNullAuthorizationException |
4007340 | Authorization card scheme format message not loaded for capture method |
4007420 | WorkstationNumberRightJustifiedZeroFilled4CharactersLeafWorkstationNumberIsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4007430 | Keyed not supported for card scheme |
4007520 | Local TransactionDate MMDDCCYY Format Is Null |
4007530 | Keyed not supported for workstation |
4007620 | Unable to Parse Response String |
4007630 | Keyed not supported for merchant |
4007720 | WorldpayMerchantIdentificationLeafTerminalIsNullAuthorizationException |
4007730 | Keyed not supported for user |
4007820 | WorldpayMerchantIdentificationLeafTerminalNoIsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4007830 | Mail Order not supported for card scheme |
4007920 | WorldPayTransactionQualifierLeafInvalidCardBrandAuthorizationException |
4007930 | Mail Order not supported for workstation |
4008020 | WorldPayTransactionQualifierLeafCardSchemeFormatIsNullAuthorizationException |
4008030 | Mail Order not supported for merchant |
4008120 | WorldPayTransactionQualifierLeafCardSchemeIsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4008130 | Mail Order not supported for user |
4008220 | WorldPayTransactionQualifierLeafCardSchemeCodeIsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4008230 | Security Code required for Mail Order |
4008320 | WorldpayMerchantIdentificationLeafMerchantIsNullAuthorizationException |
4008330 | House Number or Post Code required for Mail Order |
4008420 | WorldpayMerchantIdentificationLeafMerchantNoIsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4008430 | Internet not supported for card scheme |
4008520 | WorldPayOriginalDataElementsLeafInvalidTransactionTypeAuthorizationException |
4008530 | Internet not supported for workstation |
4008620 | WorldpayMerchantIdentificationLeafInvalidLength |
4008630 | Internet not supported for merchant |
4008720 | AddressVerificationDataLeafHouseNoIsNullAuthorizationException |
4008730 | Internet not supported for user |
4008820 | Error Retrieving PrivateKey |
4008830 | Security Code required for Internet |
4008920 | Error Storing Token |
4008930 | House Number or Post Code required for Internet |
4009020 | Single Use Token Has Already Been Used |
4009030 | Swiped not supported for card scheme |
4009120 | Card Details Are Not Supplied |
4009130 | Swiped not supported for workstation |
4009220 | Unable To Update SingleUseToken Record |
4009230 | Swiped not supported for merchant |
4009320 | TransactionDateTimeLeafTransactionDateTimeIsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4009330 | Swiped not supported for user |
4009420 | Customer Code '{0}' Not Valid For SingleUseToken Service |
4009430 | Icc not supported for card scheme |
4009520 | Encryption Key {0} Not Found |
4009530 | Icc not supported for workstation |
4009540 | Card Number Is Not Valid |
4009550 | Card Expiry Is Not Valid |
4009620 | Encryption Key {0} Expired |
4009630 | Icc not supported for merchant |
4009720 | Error Gettign Default Merchant |
4009730 | Icc not supported for user |
4009820 | WorldPayAddressVerificationDataLeafLengthExceededException |
4009830 | Icc Fallback not supported for card scheme |
4009920 | AddressVerificationDataLeafAddressVerificationIsNullAuthorizationException |
4009930 | Icc Fallback not supported for workstation |
4010020 | Error Decrypting With PrivateKey |
4010030 | Icc Fallback not supported for merchant |
4010120 | AddressVerificationDataLeafHouseNoIncorrectLengthAuthorizationException |
4010130 | Icc Fallback not supported for user |
4010220 | AddressVerificationDataLeafPostCodeIsNullAuthorizationException |
4010240 | Unhandled exception in CaptureMethodValidationBlock |
4010320 | AddressVerificationDataLeafPostCodeIncorrectLengthAuthorizationException |
4010340 | ReversalBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4010420 | LocalCurrencyLeafCurrencyIncorrectLengthAuthorizationException |
4010440 | ReversalBlockMerchantMessageNotLoaded |
4010520 | TransactionDateTimeLeafRequestIsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4010540 | ReversalBlockSiteMessageNotLoaded |
4010620 | TerminalIdLeafTerminalIsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4010640 | ReversalBlockUnableToFindTransactionToReverse |
4010720 | AquirerFactoryProcessorOrProcessorCodeAreNullException |
4010740 | ReversalBlockTransactionFoundButParseFailed |
4010820 | AquirerFactoryProcessorCodeIsNotSupported |
4010840 | ReversalBlockFailedToCancelSettlement |
4010920 | RetailerIdLeafRetailerNumberIncorrectLengthAuthorizationException |
4010940 | ReversalBlockNoResponseFromCancelInternalMessage |
4011020 | Error Validating Details |
4011040 | ReversalBlockUnableToReverseTransaction |
4011120 | TelecheckManualIdLeafManualIdIsNull |
4011140 | ReversalBlockUnableToReverseTransactionInInvalidState |
4011220 | TelecheckMerchantIdLeafMerchantIdIsNull |
4011240 | ReversalBlockUnhandledException |
4011320 | TelecheckMerchantTraceIdLeafMerchantTraceIdIsNull |
4011330 | XsdValidationBlockUnhandledException |
4011420 | TelecheckMerchantTraceIdLeafMerchantTraceIdIsTooLong |
4011430 | Details Are Not Supplied |
4011440 | ToAuthorisationMessageBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4011520 | TelecheckTransactionTypeLeafTransactionTypeIsNull |
4011530 | Cannot TopUp A Previously Captured Transaction |
4011540 | ToAuthorisationMessageBlockMerchantMessageNotLoaded |
4011620 | TelecheckTraceIdLeafTraceIdIsNull |
4011630 | Cannot TopUp A Transaction With No Previous PreAuthorisation |
4011640 | ToAuthorisationMessageBlockFailedToFindAuthorizationProcessor |
4011720 | TelecheckMicrLeafMicrIsNull |
4011730 | Cannot Capture A Previously Captured Transaction |
4011740 | ToAuthorisationMessageBlockUnhandledException |
4011820 | Type supplied to the Public Key Service was invalid, should be 'Api' or 'Encryption' |
4011830 | Cannot Capture A Transaction With No Previous PreAuthorisation |
4011840 | AuthorisationConnectionTypeSwitchBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4011920 | No Expiry Year Found For SingleUseToken Record |
4011930 | Merchant id is invalid |
4011940 | AuthorisationConnectionTypeSwitchBlockAuthorizationProcessorMessageNotLoaded |
4011950 | AuthorisationConnectionTypeSwitchBlockAuthorizationProcessorNotLoaded |
4011960 | AuthorisationConnectionTypeSwitchBlockMerchantNotLoaded |
4011970 | AuthorisationConnectionTypeSwitchBlockCardSchemeFormatNotLoaded |
4012020 | No Expiry Month Found For SingleUseToken Record |
4012030 | Merchant {0} is not actived at the moment |
4012040 | AuthorisationConnectionTypeSwitchBlockUnhandledException |
4012120 | TransactionAmountDecimalPositionIncorrectException |
4012130 | Merchant {0} is not registered for use, cannot complete transaction |
4012140 | OfflineUnlockTerminalBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4012220 | Error getting CscAvsResponseCode for processor {0} and data {1} |
4012230 | No DID found for merchant |
4012240 | OfflineUnlockTerminalBlockUnhandledException |
4012320 | SettlerFactoryProcessorCodeIsNotSupported |
4012340 | GetAuthorisationMessageIndexBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4012420 | Visa Checkout token Error |
4012440 | GetAuthorisationMessageIndexBlockAuthorizationProcessorNotLoaded |
4012450 | GetAuthorisationMessageIndexBlockDataFormatProtocolNotLoaded |
4012540 | GetAuthorisationMessageIndexBlockUnhandledException |
4012550 | EmvOverrideBlockException |
4012640 | AuthorisationCommunicationBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4012740 | AuthorisationCommunicationBlockAuthorizationProcessorMessageNotLoaded |
4012840 | AuthorisationCommunicationBlockInternalMessageNotLoaded |
4012860 | Ped serial {0} is not live for site {1} |
4012940 | AuthorisationCommunicationBlockNoCommsSetupForCardSchemeAndAuthProcessor |
4012960 | P2P2 is not supported when sensitive data is provided for serial {0} and site {1} |
4013040 | DecryptionBlockErrorDecryptingP2peData |
4013050 | AuthorisationCommunicationBlockFailedToCommunicateWithAuthProcessorAllMethodsOfCommsFailed |
4013060 | P2P2 Supported when sensitive data not provided for serial {0} and site {1} |
4013140 | DecryptionBlockGeneralErrorDecryptingP2peData |
4013150 | AuthorisationCommunicationBlockFailedToCommunicateWithAuthProcessorAllCommsFailed |
4013250 | AuthorisationCommunicationBlockNoResponseFromConfiguredComms |
4013340 | AuthorisationCommunicationBlockUnhandledException |
4013350 | Bank unable to reverse transaction. Reason:{0} |
4013440 | PseudoAuthorityCodeBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4013450 | DccRateRequestInvalidCurrency |
4013520 | Unable to Parse Standalone Transaction Request |
4013540 | PseudoAuthorityCodeBlockPsuedoAuthCodeGenerationNotSupported |
4013550 | DccRateRequestNullAmount |
4013620 | CountryCodeLeafCardSchemeFormatIsNullAuthorizationException |
4013640 | PseudoAuthorityCodeBlockUnhandledException |
4013650 | DccRateRequestInvalidMerchant |
4013720 | CountryCodeLeafCardAcceptorCountryIncorrectFormatAuthorizationException |
4013740 | OnlineUnlockTerminalBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4013750 | DccRateRequestInvalidTerminal |
4013820 | TerminalIdentificationLeafTerminalIsNullAuthorizationException |
4013840 | OnlineUnlockTerminalBlockUnhandledException |
4013850 | DccRateRequestNullCaptureMethod |
4013920 | TerminalIdentificationLeafTerminalNoIsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4013940 | StoreTransactionBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4014020 | TerminalIdentificationLeafTerminalNoInvalidLength |
4014040 | StoreTransactionBlockInternalMessageNotLoaded |
4014120 | MerchantIdentificationLeafMerchantIsNullAuthorizationException |
4014140 | StoreTransactionBlockFailedToStoreTransaction |
4014220 | MerchantIdentificationLeafMerchantNoIsNullOrEmptyAuthorizationException |
4014240 | StoreTransactionBlockUnhandledException |
4014320 | MerchantIdentificationLeafMerchantNoInvalidLength |
4014340 | AuthorisationResponseBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4014420 | AddressVerificationDataLeafLengthExceededException |
4014440 | AuthorisationResponseBlockInternalMessageNotLoaded |
4014520 | MerchantTypeLeafMerchantCategoryCodeIsNullAuthorizationException |
4014540 | AuthorisationResponseBlockAuthorizationResponseMessageNotLoaded |
4014620 | MerchantTypeLeafMerchantCategoryCodeIncorrectLengthAuthorizationException |
4014640 | UnlockTerminalExceptionBlockUnhandledException |
4014720 | SettlementDateLeafSettlementDateIsNullAuthorizationException |
4014740 | LogExceptionBlockFailedToLogPreviousException |
4014840 | ReversalExceptionBlockMessageNotLoaded |
4014940 | ReversalExceptionBlockFailedToIssueReversal |
4015040 | ToInternalMessageNotLoaded |
4015140 | DuplicateAuthorizationFound |
4015240 | This customer is already linked with the selected partner |
4015340 | This customer is not linked with the selected partner, unable to remove link |
4015440 | Unable to Replicate Site Workstation Settings |
4015540 | FailoverDuplicateCheckBlockTokenisedCardNoNotLoaded |
4015640 | SendTopUpAsCardOnFileBlockFailed |
4015740 | AddCaptureMethodExceptionBlockUnhandledException |
4015840 | ReversalNoMatchingPreAuthorizationExists |
4015940 | AuthorisationProcessorBlockCardSchemeIdNotLoaded |
4016000 | Unhandled exception in {0} |
4016040 | AuthorisationProcessorBlockProccesorCodeNotLoaded |
4016050 | Unhandled exception in {0} |
4016140 | CancelSettlementBlockAuthorisationMessageIdNotLoaded |
4016240 | CancelSettlementBlockCustomerGroupCodeNotLoaded |
4016340 | CancelSettlementBlockUnableToUpdateSettlementDatabaseRecord |
4016440 | Can't find card scheme for card |
4016540 | CardSchemeFormatBlockAnInvalidNumberOfCardSchemeFormatsWasReturned |
4016640 | DecyptionBlockErrorDecryptingX509EncryptedData |
4016740 | Random number validation has failed |
4016840 | FailoverDuplicateCheckBlockCardDetailsNotLoaded |
4016940 | FailoverDuplicateCheckBlockMerchantNotLoaded |
4017040 | FailoverDuplicateCheckBlockTokenNotLoaded |
4017140 | GetSubsequentTransactionsDataBlockCardDetailsNotLoaded |
4017240 | GetSubsequentTransactionsDataBlockCredentialsNotLoaded |
4017340 | GetSubsequentTransactionsDataBlockExceptionGettingData |
4017440 | GetCardDetailsBlockCardDetailsNotLoaded |
4017540 | GetReversalBlockTransactioTypeIsNotAReversal |
4017640 | GetReversalBlockUnableToParseAuthorisationMessageXml |
4017740 | Invalid username or password |
4017840 | Error logging notification |
4017940 | ProcessorConversionBlockCardSchemeFormatNotLoaded |
4018040 | ProcessorConversionBlockCardSchemeNotLoaded |
4018140 | RebuildTrack2BlockCouldNotRebuildTrack2 |
4018240 | StoreSubsequentTransactionsDataBlockUnableToStore |
4018340 | StoreSignatureBlockUnableToStoreSignature |
4018440 | StoreTokenBlockUnableToStoreToken |
4018540 | StoreTransactionBlockUnableToStoreMessage |
4018640 | TokenisationCardSchemeCannotBeFoundFromCardNumber |
4018740 | TokenisationDeTokenisedCardCannotBeFound |
4018840 | Invalid merchant id |
4018940 | TokenisationTokenisedCardCannotBeSaved |
4019040 | TokeniseBlockExpiryDateNotValid |
4019140 | Transaction operation error |
4019240 | Error querying transaction |
4019260 | Transaction not found |
4019340 | Transaction error |
4019440 | TransactionTypeResloverBlockTransactionTypeNotSupported |
4019540 | UserBlockCustomerCodeNotLoaded |
4019640 | UserBlockUsernameNotLoaded |
4019740 | ValidateCardDetailsBlockCardHasExpired |
4019840 | ValidateCardDetailsBlockCardSchemeNotLoaded |
4019940 | ValidateCardDetailsBlockServiceCodeNotValid |
4020040 | Workstation Not Provided |
4020140 | SetMerchantReferenceDataBlockFailed |
4020340 | P2Pe Validation Block General Error for Ped serial {0} and site {1} |
4020440 | No Token Supplied |
4020540 | The reversal amount exceeds the total transaction amount |
4020640 | General Exception |
4020740 | Unable To Reduce Remaining Amount By A Value Greater Than The Remaining Amount |
4020840 | Unable To Update Remaining Amount |
4020940 | General Exception when updating remaining balance |
4021040 | General Exception when forcing the transaction to refund |
4021140 | Unable to reverse transaction, in an invalid state. State[{0}] |
4021240 | Unable to reverse transaction. Reason: {0}. Detail: {1} |
4021340 | Error mapping legacy type {0} |
4021440 | Error processing transaction with bank using {0} |
4021540 | Currency code '{0}' not supported |
4021640 | GetReversalBlockUnableToFindPreviousTransactionForAuthorizationMessageId {0} |
4021740 | GetReversalBlockUnableToFindPreviousTransactionForToken {0} |
4021840 | Error getting customer site for site no {0} |
4021940 | Unable to lock terminal {0} for transaction |
4022040 | Error getting merchant details for currency {0}, cardSchemeCode {1} and MerchantNumber {2} |
4022140 | User '{0}' is not associated with merchant '{1}' |
4022240 | User '{0}' is not associated with site '{1}' |
4022440 | Tokenisation tokenised cardNumber:[{0}] is not valid |
4022540 | Unable to get workstation {0} for siteId {1} |
4022640 | DecyptionBlockErrorInvalidEncryptedP2peData |
4022740 | UserBlockGeneralException |
4022840 | AuthorizationElementsBlockProccesorIdNotLoaded |
4022940 | Unable to generate Stan. Reason:{0} |
4023030 | The data supplied in providerDiscretionData is invalid. |
4023040 | Exception in PointOfInteractionBlock |
4023130 | MerchantBlockErrorTransactionAmountGreaterThanCeilingLimitAmount |
4023230 | Session Denied |
4023340 | Authorisation not allowed for 3DS state |
4024040 | Exception in ResponseRequestUpdateBlock |
4024140 | Incorrect route or not all parameters required have been supplied |
4024240 | GetReferralBlockUnableToFindPreviousTransactionForToken {0} |
4024340 | Incorrect Password Attempt {0} |
4024440 | Incorrect Password Attempt {count} - Account Locked |
4024540 | Incorrect Username |
4024640 | Account Locked |
4024740 | Session Not Found |
4024840 | Session Expired |
4024940 | Incorrect Password Supplied |
4025040 | BankAuthorisationBlockGeneralException |
4025140 | Invalid Store Id |
4025240 | Invalid User Id |
4025340 | mpiSessionId '{0}' cannot be found |
4025440 | Site {0} is not active at the moment |
4025540 | Duplicate Transaction Request |
4025640 | Unable to verify enrollment status of card |
4025740 | Cardholder enrolled, but authentication is currently unavailable |
4025840 | Invalid merchantId |
4025940 | Error decoding PaRes, Unable to determine 3D secure status |
4026040 | Terminal Mac not found |
4026140 | Failed to update seed key |
4026340 | Failed to update mac keys |
4026440 | Invalid MAC Key |
4026640 | Invalid Terminal ID |
4026740 | Invalid Merchant ID |
4026840 | CustomerSiteBlockErrorGettingSite |
4026940 | CustomerDetailBlockErrorGettingCustomerDetail |
4027040 | AuthorisationProcessorNoCheckBlockErrorGettingAuthorisationProcessor |
4027140 | ReconciliationBlockInsertTerminalReconciliationFailed |
4027240 | ReconciliationBlockUpdateTerminalReconciliationFailed |
4027340 | InitializeTerminalInsertTerminalMacFailed |
4027440 | InitializeTerminalInsertTerminalFailed |
4027540 | AutoWorkstationBlockInsertWorkstationFailed |
4027640 | ReversalBlockUnableToUpdateLedger |
4027740 | ApacsRotateSessionNumberBlockUnableToUpdateTerminalReconciliation |
4027840 | Terminal Registration Error |
4027940 | Terminal Reseed Error |
4028040 | Terminal Registration Error, Terminal Disabled |
4028140 | Terminal Reseed Error, Terminal Disabled |
4028240 | Error connecting to the Directory Server |
4028340 | Error receiving authentication response from Directory Server |
4028440 | Error receiving RReq from Directory Server |
4028540 | Refused by the PXP Financial Risk System |
4028640 | Block by the PXP Financial Risk System |
4028740 | The transaction amount of the referencing transaction does not match the total amount of PreAuth and Topups |
4028840 | The transaction was partially reversed, the remaining amount failed to be reversed: {0} {1} |
4029040 | Cannot capture transaction if authorised amount is 0 |
4029140 | The capture amount must be greater than 0 |
4029240 | Entry PIN bypass is not allowed |
4029340 | Authorisation processor can not be found |
4029440 | Transaction type is not supported by acquirer |
4029540 | Password does not meet strength requirements |
4029640 | Cannot delete current active user |
4029740 | Failed to validate Passcode |
4085740 | Track2FormatterBlockException |
4085840 | Transaction query execution timeout expired |
4085940 | StoreApmLedgerBlockException |
4086040 | Duplicate 3DS2Challenge Request |
4086140 | The data supplied in {0} is invalid. |
4086240 | Tokenised Card is not found or has duplicate result |
4086340 | {processorCode} forced Transaction declined |
4086440 | RemapCredentialExternalBlockException |
4086540 | ResponseValidationBlockException |
4086640 | OverrideRequestDataBeforeAuthorisationBlockException |
4086740 | GetTotalCumulativeAmountBlockException |
4086840 | ResponseMessageOverrideBlockException |
4086940 | Received after the configured timeout |
4087040 | There is no stored BinBaseFile |
4087140 | Unable To Insert BinBaseFile |
4087240 | CardSchemeReference not valid for Merchant Acquirer |
4087340 | GetOriginalApmTransactionBlockUnableToFindPreviousTransaction |
4087440 | Couldn't find transaction for merchantId: {merchantId}, storeId: {storeId} clientSystemTransactionId: {clientSystemTransactionId} |
4087540 | ThreeDSecureId '{0}' cannot be found |
4087640 | Coudn't find transaction for merchantId: {merchantId}, requestId: {requestId} |
4087740 | AuthorisationCommunicationBlockErrorCommsSetupForCardSchemeAndAuthProcessor |
4087840 | clientSystemInvoiceId used in Merchant Initiated Transaction request must be associated to the original Transaction |
4087940 | StoreReportingTerminalManagementBlockException |
4088040 | Incorrect Email |
4088140 | DccNotSupportedForEveryCardScheme |
4088240 | Duplicate Email |
4088340 | Two or more original PreAuthorizations found for this clientSystemInvoiceId, cannot process Merchant Initiated Transaction |
4088440 | Unable to locate initial Authorization |
4088540 | Acquirer does not support Stored Credential Transactions |
4088640 | AVS Mismatch |
4088740 | ApacsWorkstationTmsUpdateBlockException |
4088840 | Stand-alone Pin Entry Device for merchant id {merchant} and terminal id {terminal} failed to terminate |
4088940 | Unable to update workstation TMSUpdate |
4089040 | MacReSeedCounterBlockException |
4089140 | Stand-alone Pin Entry Device for merchant id {merchant} and terminal id {terminal} failed to enable |
4089240 | Stand-alone Pin Entry Device for merchant id {merchant} and terminal id {terminal} failed to disable |
4089340 | Timeout when processing transaction with bank using {processorCode} |
4089440 | Disabled Workstation |
4089540 | The Customer Does Not Exist |
4089640 | The MID Already Exists |
4089740 | AutoWorkstationBlockInvalidTerminal |
4089840 | AutoWorkstationBlockInvalidMerchant |
4089940 | ErrorGettingWorkstation |
4090040 | SiteNoCheckBlockErrorGettingSite |
4090140 | Authorise Communication Error Occurred |
4090240 | Initiate Request Provider Communication Error Occurred |
4090340 | Initiate Error Reported By Provider |
4090440 | Authorise Error Reported By Provider |
4090540 | Deposit Error Reported By Provider |
4090640 | Deposit Request Sent To Provider ommunication Error Occured |
4090740 | The State Notification NOT stored to the DB |
4090840 | Duplicate State Notification Received |
4090940 | Merchant is not belong to Site |
4091040 | The field length of cardTokenizedNumber must be less than or equal to 19 |
4091140 | Error loading PrivateKey |
4091240 | Error trying to decrypt Card Number |
4091340 | Error trying to decrypt CSC |
4091440 | Incorrect Length Transaction Currency Code |
4091540 | The certificate cannot be unlinked |
4091640 | Invalid partial reversal indicator and reversal amount |
4091740 | The tokenId is invalid |
4091840 | The tokenId is expired |
4091940 | The public key is invalid |
4092040 | The accountDetails field is invalid |
4092140 | The cardTokenizedNumber field is required |
4092240 | The tokenId field is required |
4092340 | The callId field is required |
4092440 | The field length of callId must be less than or equal to 36 |
4092540 | The cvv field is invalid |
4092640 | Encryption key is required when encryption type is specified |
4092740 | The field length of providerMerchantId must be less than or equal to 20 |
4092840 | The field length of eci must be less than or equal to 2 |
4092940 | The field type of amount is not a number |
4093040 | Error Storing Encryption Key |
4093140 | Error Storing Api Key |
4093240 | GetOriginalLedgerTransactionHistoryBlockUnableToFindPreviousTransaction |
4093340 | GetOriginalLedgerTransactionBlockUnableToFindPreviousTransactionForAuthorizationMessageId {0} |
4093440 | GetReversalBlockUnableToParseAuthorisationMessageXml |
4093450 | GetTerminalFromOriginalTransactionUnableToGetTerminal |
4093540 | Error getting retailer details for retailer Id {0} |
4093640 | Duplicate Transaction Request. Transaction Type:[{0}] |
4093740 | RefundMailOrderBlockUnableToLoadRequest |
4093840 | StoreLedgerBlockException |
4093940 | StoreReportingLedgerBlockException |
4094040 | GetOriginalLedgerTransactionHistoryBlockNotEnoughInformationAvailableToQueryLedger |
4094140 | TokeniseBlockException |
4094240 | IccTrack2EquivDataIsMissing |
4094340 | Track2IsMissing |
4094440 | Exception on {0}: {1} |
4094540 | The field length of city must be less than or equal to 50 |
4094640 | The field length of state must be less than or equal to 50 |
4094740 | The field length of country must be less than or equal to 50 |
4094750 | Merchant does not support currency. |
4094840 | The field length of cardHolderName must be less than or equal to 50 |
4094850 | Invalid capture method |
4094940 | The public key is expired |
4094950 | Invalid Message Type |
4095040 | Unable to generate certificate, there are already 2 active certificates. |
4095050 | An AcquirerBin cannot be found for this transaction |
4095140 | The certificate cannot be saved |
4095150 | Merchant Id is required |
4095240 | The certificate cannot be found |
4095250 | Store Id is required |
4095340 | A potential duplicate transaction |
4095350 | Currency Code is required |
4095440 | ACI Tokenisation is not enabled |
4095450 | Card Bin is required |
4095540 | Card number is not numeric |
4095550 | Card Scheme cannot be found |
4095640 | Invalid PAN Supplied |
4095650 | Acquirer Bin cannot be found |
4095740 | Invalid card expiration date |
4095750 | Merchant cannot be found |
4095840 | Expired card |
4095850 | Unable To Update Site Workstation Settings |
4095940 | The root certificate cannot be read, please check the certificate and try again. |
4095950 | Unable To Add Site Workstation Settings |
4096040 | The root certificate has expired, unable to upload |
4096050 | Unable To Upload Root Certificate |
4096140 | An active root certificate is already existed |
4096150 | Unable To Download Root Certificate |
4096240 | Fail to upload root certificate |
4096250 | Unable To Update Root Certificate |
4096340 | Only .crt file is supported |
4096350 | Unable To Create Root Certificate |
4096440 | StoreErrorBlockException |
4096450 | Unable To Revoke Client Certificate |
4096540 | Error generating certificate |
4096550 | Unable To Download Client Certificate |
4096640 | No file selected |
4096650 | Unable To Create Client Certificate |
4096740 | There is no active internal root certificate |
4096750 | Unable To Update Site General Settings |
4096840 | There is no active external root certificate |
4096850 | Unable To Add Site General Settings |
4096940 | Cannot Reverse A Transaction With No Previous PreAuthorisation |
4096950 | Transaction Currency Number Is Null |
4097040 | StoreReceiptInfoBlockException |
4097050 | DccRateRequestBlockException |
4097140 | StoreId is invalid |
4097150 | DccResponseInterpreterException |
4097240 | SendRequestToPxpFinancialException |
4097250 | Error in Disclaimer Language Block |
4097340 | threeDSecureDetails field {0} is mandatory. Please check your request |
4097350 | Error in Get Rate Provider details Block |
4097440 | threeDSecureDetails fields {0} are mandatory. Please check your request |
4097450 | Error in Merchant Card Schemes Block |
4097540 | 3D Secure Authentication is failed |
4097550 | Error in Get Supported Rates Block |
4097640 | Timeout obtaining Redirect URL |
4097650 | Error in Terminal Details Block |
4097740 | The field length of merchantId must be 3 |
4097750 | Error in Interpret RealTime Response Block |
4097840 | The userId field is required |
4097850 | Error in Send RealTime Request Block |
4097940 | The field length of userId must be less than or equal to 50 |
4097950 | Error in Disclaimer Block |
4098040 | The type field is required |
4098050 | Error in Dcc Validation Block |
4098140 | The amount field is required |
4098150 | Error Getting the Latest Exchange Rate |
4098240 | The field length of currencyCode must be 3 |
4098250 | Error Creating RatesDataFlow |
4098340 | The clientSystemInvoiceId field is required |
4098440 | The field length of clientSystemInvoiceId must be less than or equal to 50 |
4098540 | The clientSystemTransactionId field is required |
4098640 | The field length of clientSystemTransactionId must be less than or equal to 50 |
4098740 | The cardNumber field is required |
4098940 | The expiryDateMonth field is required |
4099040 | The field length of expiryDateMonth must be less than or equal to 2 |
4099140 | The expiryDateYear field is required |
4099240 | The field value of expiryDateYear is invalid |
4099340 | Partial reversals are not supported for this acquirer |
4099440 | The field length of cardVerificationValue must be less than or equal to 4 |
4099540 | The value of status field is not supported |
4099640 | The field length of cavv must be less than or equal to 32 |
4099740 | The field length of xid must be less than or equal to 28 |
4099840 | The field length of streetAddress must be less than or equal to 50 |
4099940 | No Expiry Month Found For SingleUseToken Record |
4100040 | No Expiry Year Found For SingleUseToken Record |
4100140 | Unable To Update SingleUseToken Record |
4100240 | Input string was not in a correct format |
4100340 | CardVerificationResultBlockException |
4100440 | Card Security Code not matched |
4101040 | GetStandAlonePosSettingsBlockException |
4101140 | GetStandAlonePosReceiptInfoBlockException |
4101240 | Admin User Not Found |
4101340 | Receipt Information Not Found |
4101440 | GetUserBlockException |
4101540 | GetSiteBlockException |
4101640 | GetMerchantFromSiteBlockException |
4101740 | GetWorkstationFromSerialNoBlockException |
4101840 | GetCustomerDetailBlockException |
4101940 | Ped serial {serialNo} is not live for site {site} |
4102040 | Site not found {element} |
4102140 | Cannot find valid Merchant for Site '{site}' |
4102240 | Cannot find Site Template for Customer {element} |
4102340 | Data Missing From the Request '{element}' |
4102440 | UserNotCreated |
4102540 | UnhandledErrorInCustomerUserProvider |
4102640 | Duplicate Username |
4102740 | Error Deleting {objectName} for {elementId}. {message} |
4102840 | Error Creating {objectName} for {elementId}. {message} |
4102940 | Error Retrieving {objectName} for {element}. {message} |
4103040 | Error Updating {objectName} for {element}. {message} |
4103140 | Error Replicating {objectName} for {element}. |
4103240 | {element} already exists {extension} |
4103250 | TerminalNo {terminalNo} already linked to a workstation |
4103340 | Cannot Find Customer {element} |
4103440 | Failed To Generate Passcode |
4103540 | Cannot Find Brand {element} |
4103640 | User Found With Invalid Account Type For Operation {element} |
4103740 | Failed To Send Passcode |
4103840 | Multiple StandAlonePos Users Found For Site {element} |
4103940 | Admin User Already Exists For Site {element} |
4103950 | CashHub API Error Response: {error} |
4104040 | Multiple Users Found {element} |
4104140 | No Users Found |
4104240 | Failed To Update Passcode for user {element} |
4104340 | Serial Number already linked to Workstation {element} |
4104440 | Serial Number Not linked to Workstation : {element} |
4104540 | Device Not Found With Serial Number: {element}{siteString} |
4104640 | Merchant Not Provided |
4104740 | Failed To Register Device {element} to {parent} |
4104840 | Serial Number not Registered |
4104940 | Serial Number Associated to another workstation |
4105040 | Cannot find Merchant Template for Site {siteNo} |
4105044 | {cardSchemes} Card schemes cannot be enabled as they are already enabled on the parent merchant |
4105140 | Cannot find Merchant Settings or Card Scheme Limits for Site {siteNo} |
4105240 | Cannot find Merchant Settings or Card Scheme Limits for Parent Merchant {merchantNo} |
4105340 | Cannot find Merchant Settings or Card Scheme Limits for Merchant {merchantNo} |
4105444 | Parent transaction does not exist |
4105540 | Error Updating {objectName} for {element}. |
4105640 | Workstation not found on site {workstationNo}{site} |
4105740 | Serial Number not found on site {serialNo}{site} |
4105840 | Maximum Workstations Found For Site {element} |
4105940 | Parent Merchant Not Found for Site {element} |
4106040 | Parent merchant {merchant} has no available terminals for this workstation |
4106140 | Error Generating Site Number for Customer {element} |
4106240 | Site Already Contains A Parent Merchant {element} |
4106340 | A Child Merchant Can Only Be Added To A Parent Merchant {element} |
4106440 | Dependant Items found : {objectType} {element} |
4106540 | Currency {element} not Supported{merchantText} |
4106640 | Failed To Reset Password |
4106740 | Failed To Generate Username |
4106840 | User has been disabled |
4106940 | No Merchant found for {element} |
4107040 | Cannot find Templated User for site {element} |
4107140 | ClientSystemTransactionId is duplicated |
4107240 | Route not found due to unsupported provider {providerName} |
4107340 | Amount requested cannot be Reversed. The remaining balance available to Reverse is: {remainingBalance} |
4107440 | Partial Reversals are not allowed. The remaining balance available to Reverse is: {remainingBalance} |
4107540 | No available balance to Reverse |
4107640 | General error processing APM transaction. ErrorCode:{errorCode} - ErrorMessage:{errorMessage} |
6000100 | Validation of BatchInformation has failed -> {0} |
6000200 | Unable To Store Batch Event |
6000300 | Unable To Store Transaction Event |
6000400 | Settlement Service Controller Exception |
6000500 | Unable To Get TransactionIds For Batch {0} |
6000600 | UnableTo Parse InternalTransaction json for {0} |
6000700 | Unable To Store File {0} To Local Storage |
6000800 | Local Storage File {0} Already Exists |
6000900 | Local Storage Unable To Write Contents To File {0} |
6001000 | Local Storage Unable To Move File From {0} To {1} |
6001100 | More Than One Currency For Merchant {0} -> {1}".FormatString(merchant, string.Join(", |
6001200 | More Than One Retailer -> {0}".FormatString(string.Join(", |
6001300 | CvmResults Are Null On IccTransaction |
6001400 | Unable To Parse CvmResults On IccTransaction |
6001500 | Unrecognised CaptureMethod {0} |
6001600 | General Error Constructing Section Composite {0} |
6001700 | General Error Constructing Transaction Composite {0} |
6001800 | General Error Constructing Transaction Leaf {0} |
6001900 | General Error Constructing Transaction Section Leaf {0} |
6002000 | Transaction {0} is not unique |
6002100 | Simple Transactions Function Section Leaf Unable To Run Function |
6002300 | All Transactions Failed To Build |
6002400 | Unable to get status of batch id {0} |
6002500 | Unable to get status of transaction id {0} |
6002600 | Unable to set batch {0} to be sent in Local Storage Manager |
6002700 | Unable to Send Batch File Via Sftp |
6002800 | Unable to find transactions waiting to be confirmed for batch {0} |
6002900 | Unable to find transaction {0} for batch {1} |
6003000 | Local Storage File {0} Does Not Exist |
6003100 | Unable to set batch {0} to be cancelled in Local Storage Manager |
6003200 | Unable to set batch {0} to be confirmed in Local Storage Manager |
6003300 | More Than One sort code For Merchant {0} -> {1}".FormatString(merchant, string.Join(", |
6003400 | More Than One account number For Merchant {0} -> {1}".FormatString(merchant, string.Join(", |
6003500 | More Than One Terminal No -> {0}".FormatString(string.Join(", |
6003600 | More Than One Merchant No {0} -> {1}".FormatString(string.Join(", |
6003700 | Invalid Customer Instructions |
7001030 | Luhn check failure |