SCA Exemeptions cannot be used with the SCA Challenge Indicator
Value | Description |
anonymousCard | An anonymous card exemption can be applied on a card that does not belong to an identifiable person, such as an anonymous prepaid card (This is deemed out of scope from SCA) |
lowValue | A low value exemption can be applied on any transaction that is below 30 EUR, or equivalent in the processing currency. The card issuer will keep track of certain counters (such as the number of transactions or the sum of transaction amounts) and if these are exceeded (after five consecutive transactions or if the sum exceeds EUR 100 or equivalent in another currency), then the card issuer will return a soft decline and will require SCA via 3D Secure. |
noExemption | If no exemption is being applied, this can be supplied. Alternatively, scaExemption can be omitted. |
oneLegOut | A one leg out exemption can be applied on any payment where either the card issuer or the acquirer are not located within the EEA (This is deemed out of scope from SCA) | secureCorporate | A secure corporate exemption can be applied on any secure corporate card such as Lodge Cards, Central Travel Accounts and Virtual Cards that are not associated with an individual cardholder and are used within a secure dedicated corporate payment process. | transactionRiskAnalysis | A transaction risk analysis exemption can be applied to any transaction within the banding value
supported by your acquirer and when they have enabled you for the exemption . NOTE: You must request your acquirer and PXP to enable this for the transaction banding agreed |
trustedBeneficiary | A trusted beneficiary exemption can be applied if a white list has previously been set up between the
card holder and the merchant. NOTE: You must request your acquirer and PXP to enable this if required |